Would you consider getting in the octagon? With a Professional fighter? in his prime? What if I told you that all the training you need is available to you free online? I mean you can "Figure it Out" right?
Is it the fact that your opponent has 15 plus years of training and is a well rounded in all aspects? great on his feet with his hands and just let the fight go to the ground.
For most of us, the answer is no. Rightly so we would be foolish to risk ourselves in such a way.

I would suggest that when we take on Google, Bing, Axiom, Facebook we are getting in the ring with seasoned professionals who are looking to do combat with us. A poorly designed strategy that lacks the equivalent of footwork, great cardiovascular training, Jab's hooks and right Cross'es, let alone the ability to defend your business on the ground is just as foolish.
Even if you are one of those folks who would say "Yes!" I will get into the octagon, what is the very first thing you would do? Get A Coach, surround yourself with a great team, and let professionals guide you so that you maximized your chance to win without injury.
Marketing consultants are coaches, we will evaluate your current condition, strategies, tactics, execution, introduce you to ways of really defining your target audiences, reaching them with precision maximizing your reach and message with your best interest in mind. Do yourself and your business a solid, add a professional consultant to your team.